Books/Stories Read 1998
Note: Those entries beginning with "sXX" are short stories or essays.
Note: List does not contain several textbooks read in whole or significant part.
001...The Vampire Tapestry (Suzy McKee Charnas, 1980) (Jan 01-Jan 04)
002...The Sweet Hereafter (Russell Banks, 1991) (Jan 05-Jan 08)
s01..."Stability" (Philip K. Dick, pub. 1987) (Jan 19)
s02..."Roog" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jan 19)
s03..."The Little Movement" (Philip K. Dick, 1952) (Jan 19)
s04..."Beyond Lies the Wub" (Philip K. Dick, 1952) (Jan 19)
003...High Fidelity (Nick Hornby) (Jan 19-Jan 31)
s05..."The Gun" (Philip K. Dick, 1952) (Feb 01)
s06..."The Dunwich Horror" (H.P. Lovecraft, 1928) (Feb 03)
s07..."The Skull" (Philip K. Dick, 1952) (Feb 03)
s08..."Cool Air" (H.P. Lovecraft, 1926) (Feb 04)
s09..."The Defenders" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Feb 04)
s10..."Mr. Spaceship" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Feb 06)
s11..."Piper in the Woods" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Feb 06)
s12..."The Infinites" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Feb 10)
s13..."The Preserving Machine" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Feb 10)
s14..."Expendable" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Feb 10)
004...A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again (David Foster Wallace, 1997) (Feb 10-Jul 06)
s15..."The Variable Man" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jul 07)
s16..."The Indefatigable Frog" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jul 08)
s17..."The Crystal Crypt" (Philip K. Dick, 1954) (Jul 08)
s18..."The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford" (Philip K. Dick, 1954) (Jul 08)
s19..."The Builder" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jul 09)
s20..."Meddler" (Philip K. Dick, 1954) (Jul 09)
s21..."Paycheck" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jul 11)
s22..."The Great C" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jul 11)
s23..."Out in the Garden" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jul 11)
s24..."The King of the Elves" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jul 12)
s25..."Colony" (Philip K. Dick, 1953) (Jul 12)
s26..."Prize Ship" (Philip K. Dick, 1954) (Jul 12)
s27..."Nanny" (Philip K. Dick, 1955) (Jul 12)
005...Beloved (Toni Morrison, 1987) (Jul 12-Sep 06)
006...The Elephant Vanishes [ss coll] (Haruki Murakami, 1993) (Sep 07-Mar 07)
007...Neverwhere (Neil Gaiman, 1997) (Nov 29-Dec 13)
008...A Voyage to Arcturus (David Lindsay, 1920) (Dec 25-Jan 21)